Who is Darrick with an A and why is he here to save the day!
Who is Darrick with an A and why is he here to save the day! There are so many ways to spell Darrick with an A, there’s Derrick with an A there is Derek with an A. Our Darrick spells it Darrick with an A and he’s here to save the day. Darrick is the…
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Do Air Conditioners need Sweaters in the summer?
Do Air Conditioners need Sweaters in the summer? Have you seen how dirty your outside air conditioner is? Does it have a dirt sweater on the outside keeping your home warm? Tips and tricks to get your air conditioner running smoothly for the season. Removing the air conditioner cover is a good first step to start the summer. After…
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Is it time for a New Air Conditioner?
Is it time for a New Air Conditioner? As you know, summer is just around the corner and with it brings hot days and hot nights. We all know when it’s time to get new shoes, clothes and carpet, but how do we know when it’s time for a new air conditioner? You could very…
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